As oral care play a role in preventing aspiration pneumonia? How often this should be done for patients with dysphagia? There are protocols for oral care to address the patient's risk of aspiration? Desire in itself does not necessarily lead to pneumonia. Laryngeal aspiration only assume that the larynx, as the valve is ineffective in preventing the selection of food strattera without prescritpion and falling into the lower respiratory system. Laryngeal aspiration does not always mean tracheobronchial aspiration also occurs. Pneumonia from aspiration resulting from the use of very large load of bacteria in the lower respiratory tract, where infection suppresses weak immune system protection. Why did this happen and why not all patients develop pneumonia dysphagia? First, the patient developed pneumonia from aspiration, he / she should be much severe CVA, surgery, heart attack etc. Any serious illness causes a stress response (via the hypothalamus) in the sick person, which reduces the body's immune system's ability to fight bacteria. Pneumonia does not occur by itself, it is the result of severe illness, and usually from 3 to 7 days after a medical event. Secondly, there were many disputes about the sources of bacteria in dysphagia patients develop pneumonia. Some say, mouth, other stomach. But there is more than enough research, good research is mainly in the dental literature that documents the increase in gram-negative (anaerobic) bacteria in the mouth after the start of a serious illness. It was found that the stress response (mediated by the hypothalamus) leads, among other responses, reduction or cessation of saliva and mucus secretion in the mouth. One of the objectives of saliva and mucus is the fight against bacteria through immune properties. When they reduce their oral function, allowing bacteria already (and always) in the mouth, for reproduction. Thus, the number of bacteria per cubic centimeter, which is normal or increased bacterial load desire. Oral care has long been suspected as helps keep the bacteria in the mouth at a distance of sick people, but only recently more studies have been published. Japanese produce a large amount of research in this area. In fact, one study found significant results in reducing aspiration pneumonia caused when a professional dental hygienist came to the hospital on a regular basis. There are also some interesting research in the field of critical care nursing (GARP, etc.), which showed that the frequency of the fan depends on the pneumonia was sharply reduced with aggressive oral care in intensive care patients. There are reports like this? Not standardized. Cleaning one to three times a day was shown to be effective. Intensive care currently use a toothbrush with suction pipes attached to catch the discharge while cleaning teeth and to prevent displacement and swallowing bacteria patients. The results were very good. Some other findings were that green sponges are often used in oral care, in fact useless and may do more harm than good. In addition, lemon glycerin swabs. Glycerin swabs only appear to moisten your mouth and not clean, but lemon additive may in fact act to dry oral mucosa, the opposite of what you want. In a nutshell, clean mouth, to prevent excessive bacteria of Hospice, to do it regularly and well, and to prevent possible bacterial pneumonia aspiration. John R. Ashford, Ph.D., CCC-SP is a professor at the University of Tennessee and holds a clinical assistant professor at the University of Vanderbilt School of Medicine. He retired from the VA Tennessee Valley Health Care System in 2005, after 28 years as a clinical pathologist speech language. He led the VA Best Practices in Dysphagia Treatment Task Force. He published and presented at the national level in the field of dysphagia, voice disorders and evidence-based practice. Dr. Ashford is elected president of the Association of Tennessee audiology and speech language pathologists. .
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